Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well, I have some good news, I FOUND MY CAMERA.....
I found it in the trunk of my car - I told ya'll I was cleaning out my car and I had it in my hand....

I thought I had either thrown it away with trash...or laid it on the top of my car and drove off with it up there....

Apparently, I laid it in the trunk....I had looked through that trunk so many times and then I looked one more time and there it was!!!!!! I was hollering...Thank you, Jesus....Thank you, Jesus!! I'm sure my neighbors thought there was a tent revival going on over there.....

I have just really had the blahs, blues, whatevers lately. Must be the heat!!

I tend to be a very controlling person (I hear all that snickering from the people who really know me)....they are saying..."did she say, TENDS to be"!!!!!!!

I have been single most of my life and I think women tend to get that way when they have to fight the world by themselves. I am always trying to arrange everyone and everything the way I think it should be.....trying to maneuver situations to where certain things might happen....I am not manipulative...I always think I have everyone's best interest at heart....but I am learning that even when you THINK you are doing someone a favor or're just not.

I have really been thinking on "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your OWN understanding......

It's my own understanding that always gets me in trouble - God very plainly tells us, our emotions and feelings are not very good barometer....and I always have lots of those...feelings and emotions. Sometimes, I just don't understand why something is happening the way it is - when I know that another way would be so much better....for everyone!!!!

That is when that TRUST part comes in...I tend to always want to follow my instincts, my emotions, my feelings......oh, those things have caused me so much pain and heartache.....Trust, it's such a simple little word and so easy to just flow out of your mouth when you are talking to someone else about THEIR situation or THEIR problem.

But when it is you, who is having to do the trusting, it can be so very, very hard.

That is where the FAITH also comes in, where the rubber meets the road - where you put your money where your mouth is......Do I really trust God to take care of me....Do I really think He has my best interest at heart....Yes, I do, I just have to take a step back and look at what He has done for me......and know, with all my heart - the He will continue to walk beside me - I just have to learn to not get ahead of Him.


Terri Steffes said...

I am so glad you found your camera... it seems I have better luck when I am NOT looking for something when I actually do find it!

Your trust in the Lord is amazing and refreshing!

Donna said...

Ohhhh How Pretty!! Such sweet words...I think I may be a lot like You!!lolol...."If they would Only LISTEN to me, they'd be So much happier!".....Hahahaha....And you know What? If they would only Listen to me, they'd be SO much happier!!!Hahahahahaha.....
I Can NOT stand Drama...example:

The woman says to me,"He wants me to go to work while He stays at find himself..."

Me: "If he's so Lost, who the hell did you have a conversation with?"...."He's a bum...leave him."

She's Still with him...whinning about how her life is So horrible...that God Must surely want her to stay where she Help him.......Hahahaha.....Geez!!!
I say, How MANY lifeboats does God have to send her, before she "gets" it?
I just shut up and walked away...There's Nothing I OR God can do when it involves her free will....that's called choices, and they are her's to make....sad.
WOW....See what your beautiful post did!!!LOLOL....sorry...

Hope Your day is Wonderful AND SO thrilled for you, that you found your camera!!!hughugs

Anonymous said...

I've been blue too... ick!
What a thrill to read you found your camera! You'd be lost without that thing! And I'd sure miss the pics!
